Cross-Reference by Universe

Cross-References of Stories to the Universes They Appear In

Subworlds are specific groups of storylines within the world. For example while the universe of Ebony’s Rainbow is named after the computer program created by Kryler, Andre, Efren, and Will, the romance of Cheryl & Joe and the family dynamics of Melissa’s Brood are all located within the universe and the characters might meet, i.e., Alijah seeing Kryler at a gaming convention.

The mechanics of magic and science are consistent within each universe. This becomes important in the urban fantasy universes like Atlantis Warden and superhero universes like Power Clusters. For example, the devil which appears in the Coven Covenant universe stories has the same powers and, more significantly, the same goals; while the one in ACBSB has a completely different set of goals, even though the powers may overlap.



Universe Subworld Related Flashes (with time order if there is one)
ACBSB (none) ACBSB Part 1; ACBSB Part 2; ACBSB Part 3
Atlantis Wardens Evendalson (1) Evendalson’s Cave; (2) Cannot be Unseen; (3) Frozen
Atlantis Wardens Ever Younger (1) Me, Again; (2) Three to the Chest; (3) Diamonds Hiding; (4) Tank; (5) Mannequin; (6) Glow
Atlantis Wardens Lost Doorknobs (1) Lost Doorknobs; (2) Dumped
Atlantis Wardens Novel: Honestly (1) If you love me…; (2) Honestly (Novel); (3) Home Cooking Part 1
Atlantis Wardens Queen City Coven (Jeremy) (1) Half-Empty; (2) Half-Hungry
Atlantis Wardens Queen City Coven (Trey) (1) Light It Up; (2) Face Off
Bad Romance (none) (1) Clifford & Rozetta 1 (Writing Exercise); (2) Clifford & Rozetta 2 (Writing Exercise)
Castles, The (none) Castle of Gold and Silver, The
Catskil Breeds Apollo’s Story Catskil Mating
Caxinourilor (none) Caxinourilor
Climate Change (none) (1) Climate Companions; (2) Climate Clashes
Colors of Love (none) (1) Red Mug; (2) Green Cheeks; (3) Copenhagen Blue; (4) Clear Glass; (5) Gold Bands
Cons of Romance (none) (1) First Day, First Hook; (2) They Meet; (3) Klingon Stomp Entrance; (4)  And so it begins
Coven Covenant Coven of Three Three Wishes Granted (Part 1)
Coven Covenant Small Fiddle Small Fiddle
Dagonet (none) Jail Break
Death Wish (none) (1) Death Wish Part 1 – Hair Drops;  (2) Death Wish Part 2 – Nothing Fits
Decanting (none) Decanting
Devil’s Brother Division (none) Wounds
Dig Deep (none) Dwarf and the Wizard (Writing Example: Generic Worldbuilding)
Dissolve (none) Dissolve
Duane’s Orphans (none) One Bloody Morning
Ebony’s Rainbow Ebony’s Rainbow (Andre) boobs
Ebony’s Rainbow Ebony’s Rainbow (Kryler & Natalie) (1) Presentation; (2) Ride; (3) Take Out; (4) Labor; (5) Argument; (6) Relocate
Ebony’s Rainbow Melissa’s Brood (1) Used Tissues; (2) Smells Like Teen Spirit
Ebony’s Rainbow The Ranlo Brothers (Joe and Cheryl Show) (1) Provisionally; (2) Eat Half; (3) Funner Part 1; (4) Funner Part 2; (5) Inside Voice; (6) It’s Dirty; (7) Memory of a Lifetime
Ebony’s Rainbow The Ranlo Brothers (Eugene & Jordan) (1) Is the Sky Blue?; (2) Coffee Urn
Ebony’s Rainbow YA Question The Big Question
Ethan’s Pack (none) Pairs
Evergreen High (none) School’s Weird
Family Business (none) (1) Open Door Policy; (2) Glass Ceiling Policy
Ghost Love Airplane Ride My Seat
Ghost Love Elijah & Matthew Simile Comparisons Can Be Real
Ghost Love Julian & Joseph (1) Early Bird; (2) Thong (3) Daylight Regrets; (4) Ending Forever
Ginger Moon (none) The Ginger Moon
Gods Forsaken (none) (1) The Archer (Part 1) – The Action; (2) The Archer (Part 2) – The Reaction
Guarded Moments (none) Following Orders
Historical Mythos (none) These are flashes I have written based on actual mythos and/or research from real-world history (appearing in alphabetical order): Bragi; Fortee; Harvest Time; Saint David; The Telling of the Myth of Hariti
I am Prophecy I am Prophecy (1) I am Prophecy Part 1; (2) I am Prophecy Part 2; (3) I am Prophecy Part 3; (4) I am Prophecy Part 4; (5) I am Prophecy Part 5; (6) Cleansing Team Part 1 – Target Down; (7) Cleansing Team Part 2 – Target Up. (Note the Cleansing Team flashes were written before the I am Prophecy flashes.)
Inheritance (none) Inheritance (Bystander Effect)
Kissing Extra Long (none) Kissing Extra Long (Prelude)
Lovers of Necromancy (none) Hidden from the Surface
Marriage Counseling (none) (1) Marriage Session 1; (2) Marriage Session 9 (Short Version); (3) Marriage Session 9 (Long Version)
Monster Mash (none) Not Like That
Moonguard Henna’s Story With the Moon Watching Other Places
Near Future Sandbox Replicator (1) Keep Trucking; (2) Pickup Line(3) My Lifestyle Choice is the Best One, Let Me Tell You About It
New Camelot (none) And so they meet again
New Leaf (none) New Leaf
No More Cheeseburgers (none) No More Cheeseburgers
Nymphs and Satyrs Thebe’s Story (1) Thebe at Nymphs and Satyrs; (2) Thebe gets her Nymph Mask; (3) Thebe Loses Day Job; (4) Thebe is Sultry
Obedience Training (none) Docility
Plum Wedding (none) A Dragon and a Witch
Political  Political Maverick Political Suicide
Political Politically Queer Anything but an Aggie
Porter’s World (none) Porter Gets Infravision
Power Clusters (General) These are random characters from this universe who wanted a story of their own; at this time, there is no date order so listed in alphabetical order: The Mom-Hood (Starring PowerFist); Red Cop (Starring Prankster); There you are (no superhero names given)
Power Clusters Ice Queen (1) The Bleue Toscano Eggs of Power; (2) Bumping into Dorian; (3) Dorian and the Ice Queen
Power Clusters Teen Cluster The Sleeper
Prideful Angels (none) Crawling
Purple Cuffs (none) To Do List
(to be announced) Martini Martinez, Monster Hunter (1) Archaeology is the Best Major; (2) Three Losses (published in Dare to Write it eZine – July 2019)
Reflections (none) (1) Reversed Reflections; (2) Burdened Reflections
Regret (none) Regret
Retired Cupid (none) Small Wings
Scrimshaw (none) Scrimshaw
Severance (none) Severance (Writing Example: Tools of the Trade)
Shifter Watch  Muin’s Story  (1) Another Round; (non-canon, Alternate Universe writing exercise) Muin and Me
Snake Rut Port (none) Bowman
Snowbound (none) Christmas Stocking
Sold by Her Husband (none) (1) Arousal; (2) Arousal 2
Stone Circle (none) (1) Stone Circle Clearing; (2) Captivated
Swimming in the Deep End (none) Please his blue eyes begged
Teahon Tryst (none) (1) Lowriding; (2) Dismount
The Glorious Fourth (none) Roulette Leadership
The Saga of Joelie Eliza The Cook Mistborn
The Saga of Joelie The Saga of Joelie Joelie and Sarah’s Last Day
The Swan and The Dragon (1) Myriad; (2) Ticking Clock
The Swan and The Pussy The Swan and the Pussy (Opening)
The Tower (none) The Tower
Tilt (none) Tilt
Ubel (none) (1) Head Bowed; (2) Ubel and Sidero
Unexpected Consequences (none) Unexpected Consequences
Unloading (none) Unloading
Waking Dead (none) (1) Team Necro Version 1; (2) Team Necro Version 2
Windowview (none) The Girl at the Window
Yellow Eyes (none) Yellow Eyes
Zombie Stench (none) Zombie Stench