
ATTENDING (last updated 2/28/2022)

During the Pandemic, I took a job working Sundays (yes, on top of all the other things I do … it’s not like anything else was happening on the weekends for the last two years). It pays well but requires Sunday. Until the world has stabilized a bit more, I’m not ready to give it up so the job’s time requirements will impact my ability at attend events.

ConCarolinas 2022 (

Scheduled for June 3-5 in Concord, NC. This con has everything: a film festival, a media track, a 24/3 gaming room, multiple writers’ tracks, a paranormal track, etc. Author guest of honor is Maurice Broaddus.

Pennsic 2022 )

Scheduled for July 29 – August 14 in Slippery Rock, PA. I don’t know when or how long I will be there. Most likely the second week for three or four days.