Book Review: Darkness (Series)

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Into the Darkness: Darkness Book One by Nora Ash
Hidden in Darkness: Darkness Book Two by Nora Ash
Shades of Darkness: Darkness Book Three by Nora Ash
Fires in the Darkness: Darkness Book Four by Nora Ash


I read the series as an omnibus of the four hard erotica superpower novellas which combined for a reasonably price long novel written by the amazing Nora Ash. The writing is tight, with descriptive unique sex scenes, strong characters, plus the compelling story arc missing from most eroticas.

The sex arc showing the growth from two enemies in lust with the same woman to a true menage is potent. The superpower story going from a simple robbery to the final battle with the big bad hits many, many of the clique high points one needs in a superpower story – kidnapping, betrayal, intrepid reporters, and corrupt politicians. A balance between character building, sex, and plot is stuck with marvelous precision by the author.

I don’t really like the males of the menage, though The Shade wiggles his way into my heart by the fourth book. And Ms. Ash’s preference for dominating sex does show through.

I have reviewed the books separately. All of them rate high with none of the typical middle sag in a story. Since my original review, the omnibus has been retired and Ms. Ash has re-covered the series with brilliant art downplaying the superhero and up-playing the dominating sex. 


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Into the Darkness: Darkness Book One by Nora Ash


There are no such things as heroes.

I went out for coffee. I came back with a nemesis.

The city’s favorite hero, Lightning, saved me from getting gunned down, and I thought my luck was finally changing. Not only was I not dead; I also managed to snag an exclusive interview with the masked supe. Only, instead of job stability and internet fame, I earned the attention of every dangerous criminal in the city. The only thing that’ll save my life now is allowing Lightning to claim me as his pet. To offer my body in the hopes that he’ll protect me.

But the city has it wrong. He’s not one of the good guys. And submitting to his claim will bring another darkness from the shadows. A darkness whose only goal is to take anything his archenemy possesses.

Including me.

Book 1 in Nora Ash’s dark Paranormal Romance ménage, Darkness. Each installment is novella length and ends in a cliffhanger.


First of four books in a hard erotica series. Total pages 427 – total price $9. The first book is free (at the time of the review) which allows you to see if you like the story and writing style before committing to any cost. The first book includes two harsh, hot sex scenes.

A well-written superpower hard erotica story – yep, all those adjectives apply. The opening scene is the heroine witnessing a robbery being stopped by a super “hero”. The scenes of superpowers in action are exactly what I expect from any superpower story. The scenes with the hard erotica are exactly what I expect from such stories down to the ropey streams. The well-defined characters and levels to the plot are what I expect from a well-written story set in urban contemporary times. 

Finding all three at once! Miraculous. 

Why didn’t I give it a five-star for Goodreads? Well, I just didn’t like the men of the menage. Ms. Ash does say they are “bad boys” – and they are; one is a jerk and the other a killer.

But at the same time they, in their own ways, try to be good. The jerk has mind control and uses it on the woman to show how dangerous his world is, even going as far as using it to “mark” her. But not taking so far as to take her against her will. The killer likely has the same ability, but uses only force of will to bend the woman into submission. Again, like his opposite in her affections, he does not take her against her will. He waits until she screams for him and makes every effort to have her enjoy every second of his claiming.

Both men want to dominate her and have her obey their wishes. Good luck with that fellows, Kat may be only human but she has a mind of her own.

Trigger warning – intense near gang-rape before super-save.


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Hidden in Darkness: Darkness Book Two by Nora Ash


A human pet to dominate and control.
To breed.
That’s what I am to them.
They don’t care what I want—they only care who wins the claim to call me his.
But with corruption running deep, and my city on the brink of destruction, I need to find a way to save it. If the two supes fighting for dominance over my body refuse to do it… I guess I have to.

Book 2 in Nora Ash’s dark Paranormal Romance menage, Darkness. Each installment is novella length and ends in a cliffhanger.


Starting to really love The Shade. Really going to smack Lightning. Both boys need a serious attitude adjustment, and I think Kat is going to give it to them if they continue to ply their own private war in her bedroom. Either that, or she is going to die of ecstasy. 

The second of the Darkness series continues the promise of the first with solid superpower plot advancement as Kat continues her investigations, with breathtaking erotica as Lightning finally claims what is his, and with stunning character development as The Shade registers his objection in a way which shows how powerful he is beyond simple superpowers (a man willing to give control while still dominating – shiver producing!). An excellent mix of superpower and hard erotica.


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Shades of Darkness: Darkness Book Three by Nora Ash


Pain. Violation. Degradation.
That’s what getting involved with two magic-welding rivals has brought me. And the longer I stay with them, the deeper I’m sucked into the infested web of corruption running through every layer of my city.
I should try to escape—find a way out and away. No human can survive the demands of two such powerful men using her body as their battleground.
But they are the only key I have to saving my city from the powers threatening to lay it to ruin.

And when the rest of the supe community learns of my existence, my two protectors have to decide what’s more important: their age-old strife… or my life.

Book 3 in Nora Ash’s dark Paranormal Romance menage, Darkness. Each installment is novella length and ends in a cliffhanger.


Girlfriend why did you have to go and get yourself kidnapped? Such a clique superpower thing to do, especially after going off into the warehouse district in the first book and getting caught snooping during a ball in the second book.

At least I really believe all the cliques actually apply. That warehouse part, while stunningly stupid on your part Kat, really, really felt … just felt. Made me forget I was reading an erotica.

This book too. Even during the kidnapping, in some ways, you were rescuing yourself. Even in the world of the big bad supers, you have your own agency. Good going.

Now get those men into your bed and have some MFM fun!


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Fires in the Darkness: Darkness Book Four by Nora Ash


I am out of time.
There is no more waiting, no more hiding in the shadows. No more pretending I don’t love the two men who have claimed me as theirs.
But darkness has arrived.
And if we don’t fight it… If it wins….
I will lose my soul.


The exciting conclusion to the Darkness series completes the wonderful superhero plot with the final big bad revealed, further character development of the male leads into (finally) beings you can like, and strong MFM sex scenes driving the character development while satisfying the erotica urges.

The difference between p*rn and erotica and romance – p*rn you can remove the stuff outside the sex and nothing really changes, romance you can remove the sex scenes and nothing changes, but with erotica the mix of sex and pushing forward the plot means you must have both for the story to make sense.

Fires in the Darkness delivers on the MFM menage erotica promise.

A little disappointed with where the superpowers come from, but at least Ms. Ash does provide a backstory. On the other hand, I was only expecting a Happy-for-Now ending so I guess everything balances.