Book Review: Chill Factor (Weather Warden, Book 3)

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Chill Factor (Weather Warden, Book 3) by Rachel Caine


Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin has protected the human race from monster storms, been killed, reborn as a Djinn, and then restored to her original form. Now she’s throwing the dice to stop an infinitely powerful, deeply disturbed kid-who is holed up in a Vegas hotel-from bringing on a new ice age.



Book 3 of the Weather Warden series (Chill Factor) – I read this book first and stood on its own just fine. Rachel Caine, the author, gives enough overview of the past to fill in the blanks; and I don’t think it was over-the-top where a person reading the series in order will be upset by the repeat.

Solid urban fantasy, fast-paced, with a reveal of conspiracy and corruption to be dealt with as the series continues. Looks like the first three books were one arc getting people acquainted with the main character and the magic rules of her world. The next series arc is going to explore the politics and force the character to grow up beyond furiously fun (fast cars, good clothes, and great – well, sexy if a bit self-centered – men).

The main character, Joanne, is a martyr wrapped up in materialism, to protect her from the self-righteous black and white world she wants to live in and the rules she wants to obey in this very slidey-grayscale world of ethics we actually live in. The materialism combined with paladin-like ethos makes a strange mix and keeps Joanne a likable character – either defining characteristic on its own would have been overly annoying, together its like chocolate and peanut butter. The author found the perfect ratios for someone you don’t mind hanging out with. You forgive her shopping spree because she fights for what is right; you tolerate her inability to compromise on what is right (right now) against the greater long-term good because she promised you a ride in her car. This is one is a person who may avoid the Road to Hell Paved with Good Intentions.

A couple of story twists seemed a little too God-in-the-Machine, but the character pays a large enough price for them I am willing to forgive. The plot itself follows a story of redemption…on a roller coaster without breaks. Worth the trip. I think I will need to read more of this series. Rachel Caine is an excellent author.