Photo by Nicolas Ladino Silva on Unsplash
How can….???
Have you not lived among women your entire life!?
I mean over half the population of the world is women!!!
Oren Ashkenasi over at Mythcreants goes over “Eight Absurdities We Force on Female Characters” (posted Aug 4, 2018)
- Lone Representation – or what I call “Smurfette”. The only female in a full-length novel makes people angry, because as the sole representative – whatever she is is incomplete. (Likewise having only one person of color in a large cast makes no sense.)
- Special Women Fighting Styles – “The physics of murder don’t change based on gender.” — I LOVE this quote!
- Feisty – Yeah. Can’t even begin my reactions to this one.
The list of the absurdities goes one and definitely worth the read. Again the URL for the full article is:
Takeaway start each character from the baseline of human and go from there.