Other Cool Blogs: Geek Girls

Photo by Patriçio on Unsplash

“Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters.” GeekGirls. 7/10/2020. https://geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=13436 – last viewed 12/14/2020

Also – MediaChomp. 9/21/2021 – https://mediachomp.com/ideas-to-consider-when-creating-bipoc-characters/ – last viewed 12/14/2022.

This article points to an amazing short infographic about incorporating people of color and indigenous people into fictional writing, created by charisjb of Burbank, California. From touching on historic archetypes, like the Mammie, to character presentation and agency, this visual presentation can help a writer banish toxic tropes and embrace better ways of presenting The Other (or the Same) in their writing.