Author Spotlight: Leann M Rettell

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Another one of “my” authors, Leann M. Rettell has been amazing to work with.

For The Dream Thief, Ms. Rettell has created an entirely new Urban Fantasy creature – the Dream Thief. One part Angel, one part Sandman, the double-handful of dream thieves have lived among us since dreaming started, protecting humanity from dreams gone wrong. The challenge, aside from sneaking into bedrooms, is many dreams start with the greatest of intentions including the ones which could end humanity. And Malcolm just missed one of those.

I’m always amazed at the ingenuity of writers to come up with new ideas and then execute them in tightly crafted narratives. She and I did a lot of back and forth until I fully understood her creation. The timeline is complicated, layered throughout Books 1 and 2 of the Hands of Time series, covering multiple Thieves and spanning the world. This wasn’t an easy series to construct.

One secret about our relationship, she is a visual writer. She provided me pictures with the bios of each of the Dream Thieves in the Series Bible. Very pretty little Thieves. I may have drooled  over Obadiah and Lysander. *Sigh*

Want a little something new in your Urban Fantasy world? Try The Dream Thief.