Newsletter: March 2017

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March 1, 2017

Dear Readers,


I got accepted into an anthology –  We Are Not This: Carolina Writers for Equality. Originally published October 2016, the book now has a printed version available through Amazon.

The kindle version is available here:

The paperback is available here:

This publication is really big for me as several of my friends have been affected by the recent attacks by NC lawmakers against the LGBT community. All proceeds will be used to support charities within the community.

Great Reading,

Erin Penn



ConCarolinas 2017 (

Scheduled for the first weekend in June (2nd to 4th) in Concord, NC. I will be attending, but not the full weekend. Unfortunately I have another obligation all of Saturday. I will endeavor to be there Friday and Sunday. Look for me to be hanging around the Falstaff Publishing table, supporting the sales of the anthology.

ConGregate 2017 ( — Also DeepSouth Con this year

Scheduled for July 14-16 in High Point, NC. I will be attending as a visitor. On Friday, I will be wearing a medieval dress made specifically for the Hawaiian Shirt theme ConGregate has each year.

Pennsic 2017 (

Scheduled for July 28 – August 13 in Slippery Rock, PA. I will be attending as staff. Look for me at the intake booth. Also present each year is Michael Z. Williamson. He isn’t linked to me in any way – other than me buying books from him each year. The man is an awesome writer, and I love his Ripple Creek series.

Dragoncon 2017 (

Scheduled for September 1-4 in Atlanta, SC. I’ve never attended Dragoncon before; the scope and attendance levels are intimidating to an introvert like myself. ConGregate is just the right size; ConCarolinas pushes my envelope. Dragoncon is so far out of my comfort zone, I consider going to Mars instead a viable option. Wish me luck!



None scheduled at this time. Been busy with the website and making a newsletter.

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