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Calandra Usher has fiery intensity, sometimes warm and comforting and sometimes a protective wall of light and heat. An amazing author and artist, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know her through a writer’s group and seeing her as a panelist at conventions. When I read her books, I can hear her voice reading directly to me.
Her first series, entitled The Gospels of Cal’ela, focused on the Four Horsemen and has supporting short stories. One of the short stories is available on her website: Pestilence (11/6/2022 note: the website seems to have been discontinued). The series had a lot of rough edges, especially the first self-published book, but, as she learned the craft and found her voice, her intensity came through pitch perfect. By the middle of the second book, I really started believing the pseudo autobiographical presentation. I tried to pace myself in the reading, really I did; I ended up reading the urban fantasy series in about a week.
She is working a new series on Selkies and should have that out sometime in early 2017 knowing her. It’s in the editing phase, all 200K of it. She may be at it a while. Umm, not that I stalk her on Facebook to find out when the next book is coming out or anything. The nice thing is she wrote it all at once, so the books should be released in quick order as editing is completed.