It’s been a long time since I covered types of editing on my blog (Editing Rant: Choose a Color ). I thought defining the types will help get the video ball rolling in the new year.
It’s been a long time since I covered types of editing on my blog (Editing Rant: Choose a Color ). I thought defining the types will help get the video ball rolling in the new year.
I’ve taken my Editing Rant on Distances – previously seen in 2016 in Editing Rant: Distances and 2017 in Editing Rant: Distance – and put them in video form.
NaNoWriMo is happening. As announced on Oct 31st with my special song, I am participating again. So far I am at 34K of the 50 goal. If I was on track, I would be at 41K – but I’ll take 34,000 words. That isn’t a bad month’s production and there are still 5 days left. The “novel” I am attempting is UFOs – not science fiction, but Unfinished Objects. Writings started and abandoned.
A big part of this has been getting my blog in order. I am super caught up, though not completely caught up. Soon, though, soon. Related is expanding certain categories of the blog into things. The Write Good book series based off of the writing exercises. Finishing the AtoZ stories from April, into their collection of the Small Courages of Giants. Getting the flashes in order for actual expansion into short stories and books, and in response to requests on patreon for more if people are willing to throw money at the idea. And, most important, dealing with the fact I no longer have a backlog of flashes for my Sunday posts.
That is going to be a challenge going forward. I’m thinking my 2020 posts, at least initially will be – first week, expanding old flashes; second week, digging up old and new D&D campaign stories where I wrote things up in detail; and then third week new text flashes and four week new visual flashes with the fifth Sunday being the long flash. Plus, if the patreon ( gets some people, I’ve promised unique-to-them Flash expansions and ongoing bits from my work-in-progress. Hopefully that will really kickstart my writing. I seem to do better when I feel obligations.
This level of output has done well this month. I don’t know if it is sustainable. I got a year to test it out.
Finally for the expanding certain categories of the blog, I’ve been bouncing around the idea in my head and with friends about maybe, sort-of bringing my Editing Rants to video format.
(Aiii!, while writing this I got my first patreon … Hi, Bruce. Thank you!)
Anyway, I made a thing as part of NaNoWriMo. Hope this entertains and informs.