Other Cool Blogs: Magical Words May 8, 2014

Amazon Cover for: This Crumbling Pageant

Write Scared

Award winning screenwriter and best-selling novelist Patricia Burroughs did a guest appearance on Magical Words in 2014 as part of a book tour for This Crumbling Pageant. The blog “Of Adders and Writing Process” meanders for a while, setting the stage. But she eventually cracks down to her take away advice:

…As a writer, you must write those scenes that scare you. … Write about whatever your story requires and your characters deserve, especially if the thought of putting those words on <paper> terrifies you. Write the scenes you are afraid people will judge you for. … If your book needs them, if your characters deserve them, you have to write them…

You can read the full posting and related comments here: http://www.magicalwords.net/specialgueststars/of-adders-and-writing-process/

WRITING EXERCISE: Look over your body of work. Have you ever written scared? Have you ever avoided writing scared?